Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Unit 7 Reflection

   This unit was about Ecology and how it effects us and how we effect ecology. In the Food Chain vodcast we learned how food chains and food webs transfer energy from organism to organism in an ecosystem. The ecosystem energy vodcast taught us how in energy pyramids the amount of calories in each tropic level decreases by 10 times as it gets higher. This is important because it shows how wasteful it is to eat animals on higher tropic levels. In the population ecology vodcast we learned how certain populations grow exponentially and others grow logistically when they get closer to the carrying capacity. The human population is growing at very high rates and is expected to reach carrying capacity soon.
   I want to learn more about ecology in the future and how plant and animal populations are dependent on each other in an ecosystem. I have no unanswered questions because the vodcasts explained everything I needed to know.
  The Conservation biology project went well and there was no problems with the collaboration. The one problem we did have was that while we where filming a series of things happened that unfortunately made the audio quality poor. Firstly, near the beginning there where some construction sounds, and halfway through the video one of the classroom doors nearby was opened creating more sound. These problems would have been avoidable if we could do another recording of the project, however I had to go to jazz band photos during tutorial so we couldn't work on it then. However the group collaboration was fine and I think our slides where great. In the self assessment we did at the end of the unit I got the most points in assertive which is good.

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