Friday, September 2, 2016

Jean Lab

  In this experiment we bleached denim jean squares in different concentration solutions of bleach and water. In the results we found out that the squares in the higher concentrations of bleach became a brighter color, however the fabric in the jean squares that where bleached in high concentration also weakened.  The question of this lab was, What concentration of bleach can make the color lightest without visible damage to the fabric.  The answer to this would be the jean squares in the 100% bleach concentration. Although if you felt the fabric you would feel that the fabric was a bit thinner than it had been before there was no damage that was visible from the outside.
   Our data contradicts the expected results because the 100% bleach solution from the store was not literally 100% bleach, it was a solution this would have made the 100% bleach solution sample not as heavily damaged as it would have been in pure bleach.  Also, our data was unexpected because one of the 25% bleach solution sample was accidentally doused in water right after it was soaked in the bleach, this would effect our results because that sample did not have as much time to let the bleach soak in for 9 minutes as the rest of the samples had.  Our data might have also resulted differently than might happen because we also soaked 3 of the jean samples at a time because we where low on time, this might have caused some of the samples to not get enough bleach for each one, that might have caused the samples to not be as light of a color and as weak of a fabric.  Next time we should take more time for the lab and do the procedure exactly as it says.  We should also make sure that all of us know what we are doing so accidents in the lab don't happen.
This lab was done to demonstrate the lab process, so we know how to do labs in the future.  From this lab I learned how to do a lab which helps me understand the lab taking process.  Based on my experience from this lab I will know how to effectively take scientific labs in the future.

1 comment:

  1. The description was good. You were fairly descriptive. Good job.
