Monday, October 24, 2016

Unit 3 Relection

   This unit was about cells and the many concepts related to them.  Early in the unit we learned about macromolecules.  These include proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids.  They are the building blocks for all cells.  We learned where each macromolecule is in a cell by doing the macromolecule lab, in which we tested the different parts of an egg for the different macromolecules found in cells.  Later we learned about the membrane and how molecules diffuse through it.  This is done by the processes of osmosis, passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport.  We learned more about this process in the egg diffusion lab in which we placed an egg in syrup and an egg in water and the egg in syrup lost it's water and shriveled up.  After that we learned how proteins are made in the different organelles of the cell and how they are transported outside of the cell.  In the tour of a cell vodcast we learned about all the organelles and their functions.  We later applied this knowledge to the microscopic organism lab where we identified the different organelles inside cells.  And in the end we learned about the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.  This unit went well and there where no major setbacks.  The content was easy to learn, and I had no trouble understanding the concepts that where taught in this unit.  I also did not have any problem working in the collaborative environment.
    From these experiences I learned what cells are made of and the processes that they do.  I learned that cells are made from the macromolecules lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids and certain macromolecules are used to make certain parts of the cells.  I also learned how the macromolecules are produced in a cell.  The process of diffusion through cell membranes is interesting because it can take place in the many different ways of passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, and active transport.  Then most recently the concepts of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.  I would like to learn more about the cytoskeleton of a cell, we covered this topic very briefly and I believe that more could be done about this to reach a better understanding of this topic.  Also the process of mitosis I would like to learn more about and how one cell and divide into 2. 

Amoeba from the microscopic organism lab:

Results of the Egg Macromolecules Lab:

Results of the Egg Diffusion Lab:

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