Thursday, April 20, 2017

Geologic Timeline Reflection

   One major event in earth's history was the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction. The Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction was when the last of the dinosaurs exception of birds went extinct. This extinction is a significant factor in the transition from the age of the dinosaurs to the age of the mammals eventually creating human. Another major event in earth's history was the appearance of cynobacteria. Cynobacteria helped to change the atmosphere into one with a higher concentration of oxygen. This oxygen was then toxic but it was later used by more advanced organisms in respiration, like humans. And a third important event in earth's history was the Cambrian explosion. The Cambrian explosion was the relatively sudden appearance of advanced organisms in the Cambrian era. These organisms created in the Cambrian explosion would later evolve into all the multi cellular plants and animals in geologically a relatively short amount of time.
   On our 10 meter long geologic time line of earth's history almost all of the major events happened in only the last 2 feet. This is surprising in how little amount of geologic time it took for much of evolution to take place. And what's even more important about this geologic timeline is that we as the human species can greatly change the face of the earth over only a few thousand years and at a more significant rate over only a couple hundred years. And this is relative to 4.5 billion years that the earth has existed as a planet. The vodcasts and our geologic timeline where very full of information therefore I have no unanswered questions.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Unit 8 Reflection

Hunger Games Lab
   In this unit we learned about how over time artificial and natural selection cause evolution, and also how this evolution is shown and how it can be proven. In the Change, It's all natural and Very Gradual Change you can believe in vodcasts we learned how both natural and artificial selection over time cause a population to evolve. The swimming in the gene pool vodcast explained how this evolution happens over time more statistically by showing allele frequencies and population numbers. We later simulated this process in the hunger games lab in which natural selection played on a population causing the population to have a higher allele frequency of the allele that resulted in a beneficial phenotype. The speciation vodcast explained how a species splits into 2 different species because of behavioral, geographic, or temporal reasons. Evidence for evolution can be shown in embryology, vestigial structures (evolutionary left overs like the human tailbone), Fossils, homologous structures (same structure of bones but different function), or in analogous structures which is the opposite of homologous structures. And finally the origin of life vodcast the possible theories for how life first formed are explained.

    I would like to learn more about the causes and effects of evolution over time and the specific species that where created and how they came to be. This unit was very full of information and left me with no unanswered questions. I wonder about what species existed on earth before and later when extinct and how some of their traits are shown in our modern species.

    In the Unit 7 Reflection I reflected on the topic of being assertive. We watched a video and did a survey on how assertive I am. Most of the points I got on the survey showed that I was assertive. Over this unit I have kept being assertive and helpful in our timeline project.