Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Unit 6 Reflection

   In this unit we learned what biotech was and how it is applied for use in biotechnology. The candy electrophoresis lab demonstrated how gel electrophoresis is used to sort DNA strands by their lengths by using the dyes in candy. Later in the pGLO lab I learned how to use plasmids to transform the bacteria E. coli to glow under UV light. In this unit I learned many things about biotechnology and how it is applied to real life. Although most of the dyes ran off the gel in the candy electrophoresis lab due to a school assembly, in the pGLO lab our E. coli was successful in taking in the plasmid and glowing.
   In the candy electrophoresis lab we extracted the dyes from the candies and then used a centrifuge to concentrate the dye. After that we placed the dyes into the slots and compared how far each band traveled. Unfortunately, an assembly started when we where running the gel and once we got back the dyes had run off the gel! There where 2 blue strands still remaining on the gel so I observed these strands.

In the pGLO lab we got E. coli to take in a plasmid that would make it create glowing proteins. First we dissolved a E. coli colony each into 2 different vials, one containing the plasmid that would make the cell make glowing proteins and one without. The vials where then cooled then heated then cooled again. Eventually the solution was spread out onto 4 separate petri dishes. The petri dish that had the E. coli in the broth, ampicillin, and arabinose glowed when placed under an ultra violet light.

I want to learn more about biotechnology and it's applications in the future. I understand all the topics in the vodcast and how all the experiments worked in the labs. However I wonder what the results of the candy electrophoresis lab would have been like had the experiment not failed. As far as my New Year's goals go, I am currently on track.  My notebook is nice and organized and I have made sure that I understand each topic.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

pGLO Lab

pGLO Observations , Data Recording & Analysis
Obtain your team plates.  Observe your set of  “+pGLO” plates under room light and with UV light.  Record numbers of colonies and color of colonies. Fill in the table below.
Number of Colonies
Color of colonies under room light
Color of colonies under   UV light
- pGLO LB/amp
+ pGLO LB/amp
+ pGLO LB/amp/ara

What two new traits do your transformed bacteria have?
The transformed bacteria have the 2 new traits of glowing under UV light and ampicillin resistance.

Estimate how many bacteria were in the 100 uL of bacteria that you spread on each plate. Explain your logic.

I estimate that the amount of bacteria inside the 100 uL was roughly the same amount as the amount of colonies there where. This would be because once a bacteria landed on a certain spot it would multiply exponentially and create an entire colony.
What is the role of arabinose in the plates?
The role of arabinose was to create a nutrient rich environment for the glowing bacteria so it could have all the nutrients needed for a bright glow.
List and briefly explain three current uses for GFP (green fluorescent protein) in research or applied science.
  1. Tagging certain genes so their expression in certain cells will be known.
  2. Acting as a biosensor or cell marker when studying protein-protein interactions.
  3. visualizing promoter activity.

Give an example of another application of genetic engineering.

Other kinds of plasmids could be used to change certain genes and gene expressions in order to make organisms that produce certain kinds of proteins that can have benefits to health or sustainability. For example a plasmid could be used in bacteria to create a foe meat or other kind of food.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Candy Electrophoresis Lab

The results of our experiment.
In our experiment there where no dyes that had visibility have different lengths than the reference dye. This might be because there was only 2 blue dye bands that where observed because the rest ran off. Our dyes ran off because we had to go to an hour long assembly while the electrophoresis was only supposed to run for only 15 minutes.

Electrophoresis system before running current.
The dyes that where observed where blue colored and since they where the only ones on the gel after the current being applied for about an hour they where very slow. These blue dyes would likely be either Carminic acid or Betanin since they have long molecules.

Manufacturers put food coloring in dog food because the colorful treats look better to the owners who buy them. Also since there are likely less restrictions about food coloring in dog food manufacturers would be allowed to use cheaper but more unhealthy food coloring.

The distance the colored dye solutions migrate could be determined by the length of the dye molecule, the amount of time it is running, and the voltage of the electrolysis machine.
Centrifuge used to concentrate dye solution.
The force that moves the dyed through the electrolysis machine is the electricity. When the molecules in the dye get charged they are pulled through the pores in the gel by an electrical attraction to the other side.

The electrophoresis system separates  molecules by size because the smaller molecules move much faster through the gel than the larger molecules. So in the end the bands that traveled farther are the smaller molecules and the ones that traveled less are the larger molecules.

Candy the dye came from.
If DNA molecules have molecular weights of 600, 1,000, 2,000, and 5,000 Dalton, the 600 Dalton molecule would travel the farthest. In second would be the 1,000 Dalton molecule. Third fastest would be the 2,000 Dalton molecule. And the slowest molecule would be the one that is 5,000 Dalton.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

New Year Goals

   In this new year I will put more effort into this class. This will be done by first studying at least an hour or two longer for the tests in biology. Making sure that my notebook is always completed and organised not only to the amount needed to get a 100 on the notebook check, but more. Even if it wouldn't change my grade it would still add to the organisation and make things easier to find when studying. In labs I will spend time giving more complete and detailed analysis. If I accomplish this the accomplishment of this alone is enough of a reward for the needed motivation.

   Also in English class I will also put more effort into the assignments. On the projects I will spend more time perfecting them and find more collaborative group members. I will make sure that the product of the project is to the best of my ability. On tests I will study for at least an hour longer and use study tools like flashcards to help me learn the concepts. If I complete all of these I should be able to not only increase my grade but feel more confident in my school work.